Krealogi, Increase Better Customer Intimacy through Integrated CRM — UX Case Study

Almas Sabrina Annisah
9 min readNov 27, 2021


Hi, I am Almas Sabrina, a final-year Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Student at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia and I’d to welcome you back to my page! This is my second UX Case Study and I hope my writings get better so you find comfort reading this till the end. I’d like to tell you guys in advance that I create this study case for my project as a UI/UX Designer intern at Skilvul Virtual Internship with Krealogi as our Challenge Partner. Regardless, feel free to leave your thoughts or feedback after reading my study case. Thank you!

Problem Brief

Krealogi is an application created by Du Anyam as an act of enhancement handicraft SMEs to empower communities, promote culture, and improve livelihoods. Krealogi is a user-friendly application to help record operational activities and make strategic plans. However, Krealogi has been faced with a problem as the users could not save their clients’ contacts, so they found it hard to conduct follow-up to the clients. Also, the application has yet name card customization like-feature to help the users broaden their business name.

Those are the keynote of this project, so how can I and my team, as a UI/UX Designer interns, tackle these situations?

Work on Team

I worked together with my two fellow friends. They are Atia Shafiqa and A. Fandi Akbar. In this project, I was given an opportunity as Person in Charge (PIC) of the group. Apart from leading the discussions and brainstorming, I also involved in the designing and conducting interview with the user. Giving some suggestions and improvements regarding the UI mockup came with the position I was given as.

Design Thinking

Five weeks were well-spent to complete this project and I could say that I had so much fun working on it. The experience of completing the project was different compared to the the challenge I worked on previously since we acted as UI/UX designer consultant to the Challenge Partner, Krealogi, therefore we must took it seriously and did this professionally.

Here is the flow of design thinking on what we did:

Design Thinking

1 — Empathize

Understanding what other people are feeling and sensing what the emotions they are having is what we call empathize. The best alternative to gather these feelings and emotions are by conversing with them personally, we might call it in-depth interview. Thus, we asked one person to pose as our User Persona that fulfilled the criteria, such as working as a business owner whether it is micro, macro, or ultra-macro. Then in productive age (22–51 years old) that understand how to operate smartphone. Meet Nabila, the suitable persona for this study case.

User Persona

We also did some competitor analysis for similar applications and websites that provide an ERP feature. Some of those analysis can be read further on the Pain Points on next stage.

2 — Define

Other than what Krealogi asked of us, we got another input to improve the new interface from our user persona’s Pain Points or the difficulties experienced by the user when operating the application and How-Might We that gives rough sketch on what probably plays part as the solutions to the pain points, then the team will vote thereupon.

Pain Points & How-Might We (in Bahasa Indonesia)

Each member of the team explained their How-Might We ideas, then began the voting. In this case, we went by “menampilkan informasi klien (spt nama, alamat, dll) & behaviournya (payment, dll) serta mengintegrasikan dengan platform komunikasi.”

3 — Ideate

What we had been doing for the first two stages were brainstorming with a team and ideate stage is not so different. Ideate stage consists of several sub-stages. First, we had to list our Solution Idea based on the winner of How-Might We. Then, make Prioritization Matrix. Lastly, we wrap it up by defining the User Flow. Below is the better visualization of our prioritization matrix.

Based on the chosen How-Might We, we came up with nine solutions to solve the problem. The intention of prioritization matrix is to point out what steps must be performed in the near future and what must be done later on. The placement of each solution idea was built upon user demand. Clients’ information, communications, and name card were the top of the solution idea lists which must be executed as soon as possible.

Key solutions:

  1. The users of Krealogi found it hard to keep in touch with their clients since they have to manually save the clients’ numbers and recontact them once their order has been finished. To make it more interactive and enhance the user experience, we came up with solution where the users required to save the clients’ contacts first then do the order recordings afterwards. Simply put, the user could simultaneously checking the order progress and contacting the said client, without having the user running through the device contact. We also embed the CRUD concept (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) that enables the users to not only create the clients’ contacts, but also edit to update the contacts and delete them.
  2. Business being well-known is every business owners’ dream, of course I mean it in the good way. However, to get the business name acknowledged by everybody is not that simple. It started from the owners’ effort to promote and make a huge branding activities. Little did we know that name card is still pretty useful nowadays, even though everything is digitalized. Some of us might disagree with this statement, because creating one requires some effort, such as designing and printing. That being said, we provide some templates which users could freely customize it match up to their preference, even insert their own logo! Also, the name card could be shared to other social media like Instagram, WhatsApp, Gmail, etc.

Those are our solution idea, to make them easier to comprehend, I would like to show the user flow which consists of the flow of each solutions.

User Flow (in Bahasa Indonesia)

It might look a bit too much, but trust me the flows are quite simple. They were divided into three flows even though the key solutions were only two. What I meant by Alur 1. Catat Pesanan was, after the user saved the client’s number, the client’s data information would appear automatically in the page of Catat Pesanan.

4 — Prototyping

Lot of things must be done in this stage, but worry not, even though it seems like a lot but believe me that it’s going to be fun and colorful. What, colorful? yep! We wanted to thank our Challenge Partner, Krealogi, that played part in this stage since some of the design things had been provided.

Lo-Fi Wireframe

Lo-Fi Wireframes

In order to create the UI mockup, we designed six lo-fi wireframes which looked actually bit of Hi-Fi since the content writing was clear enough. We needed to define the UI style guide to make them more pretty to look at, which you can see below.

UI Style Guide

Krealogi provided us with their logo, color palette, and typeface. However, we only used two levels for the typeface of Gotham, those were bold and book. Then, the color with hex code of A915FB was the primary color which would be used frequently. We obtained the rest of secondary and neutral colors using color palette generator.

UI Mockup

After applying the suitable UI style guides on the wireframe and doing some design iterations from the user research feedback, here is our final touch of the whole interface.

UI Mockup


Yep, below is our finished screen after doing some iteration, be sure to check this prototype out!


5 — Testing

Lastly, we had to test whether my design interface could live up to the users’ expectation. Therefore, we asked Ms. Nabila Djatmiko to do the honour for the testing stage. The testing consisted of six scenarios to complete and we gave her System Usability Scale (SUS) Questionnaire with Likert scale of 1–5 (which 1 represents strongly disagree and 5 represents strongly agree) afterwards to get the quantitative data.

Here is the scenario:

  • Task 1: Register your account and look for Name Card page, then try to have create your own name card.
  • Task 2: Go back to Account page, then try to Add new client’s contact.
  • Task 3: Try to Edit the information of your client’s contact.
  • Task 4: Try to Delete your client’s contact.
  • Task 5: Try to Add new client’s contact by Importing their data from your local device.
  • Task 6: Go back to Home page, then try to Record the new order.

And below is SUS Score:

SUS Score

We got 87.5 as our SUS Score from Ms. Nabila which means it exceeds the score of SUS to be considered above average is 68 (Jeff Sauro, 2011). It indicates that new interface equipped with CRM feature of Krealogi application is pretty usable. However, Nabila spoke her mind regarding the interface on some parts.

Client’s Contact after Iteration

This is the interface of Client’s Contact after iteration. We switched the button order, so “Tambah Baru” first, then the “Impor dari Kontak”. Since we wanted the users perceive our main intention that they could add new contact. Next, we provided the swipe-and-delete feature to match up to the users’ expectation, so they don’t have to open up the data information of the said client first, then delete it afterward. This feature simplifies the deletion process.

Customize Name Card after Iteration

This is the interface of Customize Name Card after iteration where we put the right chevron icon intending the users understand that the template could be horizontally scrolled. After observing Ms. Nabila for sometime on this page that had no idea the template could be scrolled, we agreed to put in the suitable icon.


Krealogi is an application created by Du Anyam in order to empower the enhancement handicraft SMEs communities, promote culture, and improve livelihoods. With the new interface, hopefully the current and new users will find this application helpful to improve their business by minimizing the time of catching up with their clients. A good CRM feature plays a huge part on increasing the service level of the business. Thus, using Krealogi with CRM feature will lessen the burden and worry for business owners.

Hi, again, That’s all from me. How is it? Feel free to like and comment, I would like also to know your feedback. If there is anything you want to discuss, just hit me up!❤

